Wednesday 30 April 2014

Body Language - Posture

Hello, welcome to my blog!!

Elevating Your Professional Image is important for you and me.

"It helps you to make a good first impression and is the bridge to building rapport with colleagues and clients."

TO BE successful at work, you have to look the part, and you can get help to do this. Professional Image Management involves three important areas: creating a good FIRST IMPRESSION, understanding BODY LANGUAGE and incul-cating positive PERSONAL GROOMING HABITS.

Let talk about Body Language (Posture) - 30th Apr'14

In the communication process, body language - non-verbal signal that consist of body posture, gestures, facial expressions and eye movements - can tell people more about you than what you say.

If you sloppy or your shoulders are drooping and your head is down, you are giving a message to people that you care little about details and lack confidence. You are signaling that you are not the one they should seek out and get to know. And you may be turning them away even without being aware of it.

Command respect by standing tall. Hold your stomach in, chest out, pull your shoulders back and put your head up. Try planting your feet about six to eight inches apart with one slightly in front of the other. With good posture and a slight smile, you are giving others an opportunity to approach you.

Picture 1

Picture 2

 Picture 1 and 2 show this person is resting against the MRT bar. First, this person is not in a good standing posture and secondly, he is not suppose to rest against the MRT bar - is for passengers to hold on it.

Cindy Tan ( ACTA Certified Trainer)
65 97421128

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