Monday, 26 May 2014

Elegant Look > Part One

Hello, welcome to my blog!!

Elevating Your Professional Image is important for you and me.

"It helps you to make a good first impression and is the bridge to building rapport with colleagues and clients."

TO BE successful at work, you have to look the part, and you can get help to do this. Professional Image Management involves three important areas: creating a good FIRST IMPRESSION, understanding BODY LANGUAGE and incul-cating positive PERSONAL GROOMING HABITS.

Let talk about > Elegant Look

To achieve an elegant look, one has to value personal grooming.

Personal grooming is the term for how people take care of their body and appearance. Habits that are considered personal grooming include bathing, dressing, applying make-up, hair removal, and taking care their skin. A person's personal grooming routine may determine how he or she feels about themselves, and how other people perceive him or her.

The Mirror Test

Is important to do a mirror self-examination test! Take some time to look yourself in the mirror before you step out of your house.
A person with good personal grooming always seem to have clear and even complexion. If you do not have good skin, establish a skin care regime that works for you. Basic ways for having good skin are to wear sunscreen all time, exercise regularly, sleep well and drink lots of water.
Hair around the lips must be removed at all times.
Eye brows should be shaped about once in six weeks and maintained every week.
Your make up should look fresh and health appearance. Learn to do your make up elegantly and well, evenly and free for smudges. Wear heavier make up only when you need to attend evening events. At least attend some make up lessons to learn the basic strokes.

To Be Continue .....

Cindy Tan

65 97421128

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