Friday 9 May 2014

Personal Sharing

Hello, welcome to my blog!!

Elevating Your Professional Image is important for you and me.

"It helps you to make a good first impression and is the bridge to building rapport with colleagues and clients."

TO BE successful at work, you have to look the part, and you can get help to do this. Professional Image Management involves three important areas: creating a good FIRST IMPRESSION, understanding BODY LANGUAGE and incul-cating positive PERSONAL GROOMING HABITS.


Personal Sharing

My new rocking chair finally arrived...after waiting for about more than 4 weeks for new stock.
My cute mama enjoy resting on this rocking chair everyday and fall a sleep...cooling and shiok ya.

Having fun during lesson break, my course mates ...Dr Ubbo (tall German man) and Tri.

Leonard Hwee (Trainer), Dr Ubbo, me and Tri Nice n helpful Trainer. Great course mates (Dr. Ubbo & Tri) and projects buddy. 

Last day of course ...selfie with Catherine, Irene and Tri.

Outing with x-olleagues (Grace & Katrina) at Garden By The Bay - Tulipmania 25th Apr'14

Enjoy and having fun picture taking at Tulipmania

Having lot of fun ...selfie at Tulipmania  

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